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About Andra

Founder/President of
Single Glow

My name is Andra Napoleon, I was born and raised in the "Bronx" in a place called Baychester Projects. My friends growing up were of all colors, races, genders, and religious beliefs. Growing up in that environment, I learned that it didn't matter how much money your family made, what color your skin was, who you dated, what holiday you celebrated, or what size you were. My family moved to New Jersey in 1976 when I was 13.5. I've kept in touch with my friends from way back in the day through our yearly reunions which started over 12 years ago...

I believe in Education. It has always kept me on the right track. From having my CDL license, hairdressing license, certified in microneedling, spray tanning, permanent make-up to the lips, eyeliner, microblading and shading of the eyebrows, being in sales and studying to become a RN, I've encountered people in all walks of life. Always listening to their stories and being a person to give advice, I've come to realize that we are all similar in more ways than one...

The “Single Glow” story all started back in 1984 when I went to a Bruce Springsteen concert. Born and raised in the "Bronx", I had never even heard of Bruce Springsteen. In 1980, my Mom, my brother and I, were watching a movie at my friend Lisa's house with her family. Lisa sat down next to me and said, “Guess what Andra? I got a Bruce Springsteen Album for my birthday!” I turned to her and said, “Who's that?” Lisa said, “You've never heard of Bruce Springsteen!?” I shook my head and said no I haven’t. She then pointed to her electric organ and sitting on it, was Bruce's Album “Born To Run”. I glanced over and said, “Oh that's cool.”. We talked about Bruce Springsteen for a minute then went back to watching our movie...

After graduating from Bergen Community College, I moved out of my parent’s house and went down to the Jersey Shore. It was 1984 when I went to a club called “ Zanadu” in Asbury Park NJ, a block from the Stone Pony. My fiancé (at the time) and I, went to see a band called "The Bangs" which his cousin was in. As we were standing in the back room, someone said, “Oh look, Bruce Springsteen is here!” Remembering who Bruce Springsteen was from my girlfriend Lisa, I walked over to Bruce sitting at a round table for two and introduced myself. We clicked right away and he asked me if I would like to sit down and chat. We chatted for over an hour about where he's been, what he wants to accomplish and about his “Born In The USA” album that was coming out shortly. I spoke a little about myself and tried to sell Bruce Springsteen a Jack La Lanne membership where I was a manager at the time. He then asked if I would like another drink and I said I couldn't because I had to go back to my fiancé and friends. We both stood up, hugged and Bruce said to me, “You are hysterical, I will never forget you!” As I was leaving, Bruce asked, "How do you say your name again?”. I said, “it's Andra”. Bruce said "oh that's like saying Sandra without the ‘S’, Andra”. I said, “wow!”, that's a GREAT way to explain my name! Everyone always pronounces my name wrong!

A few weeks later, I went to my first Bruce Springsteen Concert to see what he was all about. As I was listening to Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street band perform in the Brendan Bryne Arena, I had an out-of-body experience and the idea of "Single Glow" was created. This was in 1984...

Since that moment, I attended a few colleges, trade schools, worked taking care of the elderly, sold just about everything in every category and was raising my 4 kids by myself...all the while keeping the idea of Single Glow in my heart.

On September 13, 2009 I walked into my friend Scott's house. Up on his big wide-screen TV was Bruce Springsteen in a documentary about when he played the half-time show at Giant's Stadium. As he was telling his story of how he felt at the time, an overwhelming feeling came into my heart. I felt exactly the same way when I went to see him at the Brendan Byrne Arena back in 1984. While laying on his back looking up at the sky, his legs curled underneath him, his guitar in playing position laying across his stomach, he was explaining how he felt and WHAM!, his song "Working On A Dream" came on. I literally dropped to my knees and cried like a baby. At that very moment I knew I had to make my dream of "Single Glow" a reality!

​I hope you have enjoyed some of the stories I've shared of my journey. If you want to read more, click here to check out the article that was written about me and my letter to Bruce Springsteen... will change the way Singles meet in every way. I have personally experienced the Single life. I know how hard it can be sometimes to find the right person. Single Glow is changing the way singles meet. Now you will be able to spot the symbol, the official symbol for singles and meet people not profiles face-to-face the old school way! I do believe that you will meet "the one" for you, by recognizing other singles through our trademarked symbol for singles.​

Single Glow will make a difference, help make "our world" a brighter place and help others make their dreams come true!!!​

​Wishing everyone some extra "GLOW"...Good Luck in your search!

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